The Social Prescribing Team

A person’s health and wellbeing is affected by many things, often identified as non-medical problems or social problems. Social Prescribers offer people time to talk about things which are affecting their health and to find out what really matters to them. They have knowledge and connections with many local groups and organisations.

Social prescribing works for a wide range of people, including:

Those with one or more long-term conditions

Those who need support with their mental wellbeing

Those who are feeling lonely or isolated

Those with financial and housing issues

Those who need practical support

Those who want to improve their own health

Those who are looking for support and interest groups

Those who need support with work, education, and training

Those who require a foodbank voucher

Those who are carers or supporting others in some way

If you or someone you know would benefit form the help of a Social Prescriber, then please contact your GP surgery. Referrals can be made by both the reception and clinical teams. Shortly after you are referred, one of the Social Prescribers will be in touch to arrange an appointment which suits you.